Our year 2020 AGM was a great success.

This special day - on the calendar of our school - brought together all parents and teachers who are the biggest stakeholders in the running and success of the school.

From very early arrivals and registration, the attendees packed the school's upper hall to capacity ready to execute a very important role, being part of the efforts geared to drive Loreto to the next level.

On this occasion, parents had a chance to get first-hand information on what the PTA has been up to from the PTA Chairman Mr. George Nabwera.


The financial report of the school and budgets - which were approved by the parents present - were highlighted by our PTA Treasurer Mr. Wycliffe Gitaa as well as the School report delivered by our headteacher Sr. Anastasia Mbatha, IBVM.


Our parents were privileged to hear from both the Loreto Eastern Africa Province leader Sr. Lucy as well as the Education Secretary Sr. Madeleine Sophie who were all present at the event and delivered in their respective speeches very special messages on topical issues like parenting.

Parents also got a chance to field questions and offer suggestions on how best they can create a winning partnership with the school administration in ensuring flawless learning that will -in a big way- propel Loreto to the next level.

Our Guest Speaker, Mr. Omukami Howard of The DAH Consult Ltd. who is an expert trainer and Motivational Speaker took parents through a presentation on Parenting in the 21st Century that gave parents great insights on just what needs to be done right, in their roles, to ensure their young ones tap the best at their young age to become the best they can be in future. 



Below find AGM 2020 sights and moments





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