Discipline | Guidance & Counseling

Discipline is defined as standing up for truth, doing right and refusing to do wrong.  Assist an individual to be able to do the right thing, at the right time in the right place for the right reason and the right manner.

Discipline is a collective responsibility involving parents, teachers, learners and professional counselors.  It involves one on one where the learner the teacher and parents share challenges and looks for possible solutions.

The role of Counselling in discipline are:-

  • Empower a child by teaching values to enhance self control and self management.
  • Empower learners with ways and means of coping with situations they are going through as they grow.
  • Equip the learners with skills in problem solving which assists them to solve personal problems they encounter.

Loreto Convent  Mombasa has a discipline and counseling management committee empowered to oversee and coordinate discipline in the school.

Loreto convent mombasa Pupils ...The school's discipline policy is the pillar of their sucess

The committee encourages the learners to develop self discipline and self control.  These would help to achieve two major goals in discipline.  Ensuring safety of learners and creating an environment conducive to learning.

There are set rules in the school diary, these must be followed by all learners.
The children we are handling today are the keepers of tomorrow.  We need to make them aware that school rules and guidelines are there to assist them succeed and prepare them respect laws of the country.

As we strive to achieve discipline in our pupils it is vital to ask ourselves, “how disciplined are we”


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